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Self Assessment

We hope that this on-line assessment will make it fun and easy for members of our neighborhood to assess their own preparedness.  The self-assessment can be taken as often as you like and provides a way for families to track their progress. We will also be able to compute a neighborhood average score and track our progress as a neighborhood.  

This is NOT a survey; it is a self-assessment.  We do not keep track of answers to each question – only the overall score.  The primary purpose is to motivate all of us to improve our preparedness.

There should not be any privacy concerns regarding the data being stored by the self-assessment.  No personal information is collected or stored.  The database stores just three data items: 1) timestamp for when the assessment was taken, 2) username, and 3) overall score.  

Username can be anything.  Possibilities include ‘BrownFamily’, ‘DonaldDuck’, ‘mountain_biker’, etc.  Username is only used to identify the scores for a specific family and defaults to ‘Anonymous’.   When someone takes the assessment using ‘Anonymous’ as their username, they will not be able see their prior scores and thus will not be able to track their progress.  For those who want to track their progress, they should enter the same username each time they take the assessment.